need not be your convictions!
times in life it happens that we acquire great wisdom in some of the most
unlikely moments. One such is the anecdote from my classroom memories. It was
when one of my teachers was giving a philosophical dimension to the very famous
“EUREKA!!!” moment of Archimedes. In her observations of the incident-the
running of Archimedes nude into the streets was not because he found out
something so great (it is acceptable that what he found out was a simple
principle involving mass and volume) but because whatever he found out was his
OWN discovery, implying that any knowledge that is self-discovered has such
wild taste of joy that is almost unfounded in other means.
beyond doubt is an all-time favourite pursuit of all of us. But the path of
true knowledge is not a popular choice.
is the path of knowledge so less travelled?? Is thinking such a difficult
task?? Psychologists talk about different levels of mind like the conscious
level, the unconscious level and the sub-conscious level. It seems that we have
pushed a lot of our thinking and lot of our decisions we make into the
unconscious realm almost voluntarily. How many of us think seriously about our
career options apart from the money factor?? Life partners?? Who our friends
should be?? Our attitude toward life?? Our behaviour towards people around
don't we make individualistic decisions and think differently mostly?? The answer obviously
is the fear of losing. If it is agreeable that love is the most exhilarating
intoxicant then it is equally agreeable that fear of losing is the most serious
of handicaps!
is the most gratifying activity ever. People who have dared to dream big more
specifically in a different way have been rewarded in unimaginable ways. This
is not a bait to invite my readers into the habit of individualistic thinking
just an inspirational fact to remember. Thinking is a self-rewarding and
self-motivating pursuit and decision making is a step in the course of the
process of thinking. So let us embrace this healthy habit of thinking deeper
and more individualistically. Let us swear for ever that we shall not even unknowingly
give up on our right to take any decision in our life. Because