Wednesday, 12 June 2013


Conventions need not be your convictions!

Many times in life it happens that we acquire great wisdom in some of the most unlikely moments. One such is the anecdote from my classroom memories. It was when one of my teachers was giving a philosophical dimension to the very famous “EUREKA!!!” moment of Archimedes. In her observations of the incident-the running of Archimedes nude into the streets was not because he found out something so great (it is acceptable that what he found out was a simple principle involving mass and volume) but because whatever he found out was his OWN discovery, implying that any knowledge that is self-discovered has such wild taste of joy that is almost unfounded in other means.
Joy, beyond doubt is an all-time favourite pursuit of all of us. But the path of true knowledge is not a popular choice.
Why is the path of knowledge so less travelled?? Is thinking such a difficult task?? Psychologists talk about different levels of mind like the conscious level, the unconscious level and the sub-conscious level. It seems that we have pushed a lot of our thinking and lot of our decisions we make into the unconscious realm almost voluntarily. How many of us think seriously about our career options apart from the money factor?? Life partners?? Who our friends should be?? Our attitude toward life?? Our behaviour towards people around us??..
Some of us might argue that we do think seriously about these questions. A more fundamental question that is important to our discussion is “how independently and individualistically we think about these questions?” many times or all the times we are mechanical in our decision making or most of the times somebody else makes the decision for us. How healthy is this for our life? If we so easily give up on our right to decision making then how much of life is left for us to live??
Why don't we make individualistic decisions and think differently mostly?? The answer obviously is the fear of losing. If it is agreeable that love is the most exhilarating intoxicant then it is equally agreeable that fear of losing is the most serious of handicaps!
Thinking is the most gratifying activity ever. People who have dared to dream big more specifically in a different way have been rewarded in unimaginable ways. This is not a bait to invite my readers into the habit of individualistic thinking just an inspirational fact to remember. Thinking is a self-rewarding and self-motivating pursuit and decision making is a step in the course of the process of thinking. So let us embrace this healthy habit of thinking deeper and more individualistically. Let us swear for ever that we shall not even unknowingly give up on our right to take any decision in our life. Because

Thursday, 23 May 2013


    It is noticeable that in appearance each of us is different, unique in some way. It really is amazing as to how with almost similar features Nature manages to create subtle differences that amount to an appreciable quantity to say most of us apart from each other.
    Are these differences exclusive to the physique or are they reflected on the mental realm as well?? Beyond doubt the answer to this question also is positive. More so in the recent times we are beginning to appreciate that there are differences in the mental abilities as well. We have begun to appreciate the different intelligences vested on different individuals.
So it is accepted that we differ in our mental and physical capacities, in its strengths and weaknesses.
     If this is the case it is only deducible that our dreams and passions should be different/unique too. But why is that we are cleverly manipulated in the name of social norms and culture and religion to live lives that are same, monotonous and clichéd??
     Isn't one’s life a journey chasing one’s individualistic dreams?? Given that nothing is impossible isn't this dream chase a medium through which fantasies can become realities? Won't this make realities and living and livelihoods interesting beyond imagination (which is so boring as of now)?
     Nevertheless the unwanted bondages are now waning. Rebels to the meaningless formalities/regularities are slowly passing on the essence of this vital revolution into each soul that braves the wildness of life and endure the challenges and the implied insecurities of life as its very own nature. The weaklings who distance themselves from life through fake securities and insurances are however out of the game though.
    This revolution is one of a kind. Unlike the revolutions that our histories have seen so far the momentum of it is not gathered by the strength of the crowd but by the valour of the individuals.




Friday, 15 March 2013


             WHY THINKING ALOUD?

Thinking is man’s natural activity and thoughts can be called as the immediate product of this activity. Undoubtedly for an individual, to be in control of his thoughts has been one of the top contenders in the list of “nearly impossible things”.
But since it is obvious that thoughts are preface to actions and it is actions that create habits and it is habits that define a person’s individual character, it is essential that we are careful about what we think. Because ultimately what we think is what we are!
Interestingly the seed of thought is the most powerful than anything imaginable. In fact everything that man sees as his creations today were just thoughts some day!
So thinking aloud is an initiative at the individual level to think right and think well.