It is noticeable that in appearance each of us is
different, unique in some way. It really is amazing as to how with almost
similar features Nature manages to create subtle differences that amount to an
appreciable quantity to say most of us apart from each other.
Are these differences exclusive to the physique or
are they reflected on the mental realm as well?? Beyond doubt the answer to
this question also is positive. More so in the recent times we are beginning to
appreciate that there are differences in the mental abilities as well. We have begun
to appreciate the different intelligences vested on different individuals.
So it is accepted that we differ in our mental and
physical capacities, in its strengths and weaknesses.
If this is the case it is
only deducible that our dreams and passions should be different/unique too. But why is
that we are cleverly manipulated in the name of social norms and culture and
religion to live lives that are same, monotonous and clichéd??
Isn't one’s life a journey chasing one’s
individualistic dreams?? Given that nothing is impossible isn't this dream
chase a medium through which fantasies can become realities? Won't this make
realities and living and livelihoods interesting beyond imagination (which is
so boring as of now)?
Nevertheless the unwanted bondages are now waning.
Rebels to the meaningless formalities/regularities are slowly passing on the
essence of this vital revolution into each soul that braves the wildness of
life and endure the challenges and the implied insecurities of life as its very
own nature. The weaklings who distance themselves from life through fake
securities and insurances are however out of the game though.
Good revolutionary thoughts! You are right..We cannot change the society first and hope that individuals will change later on. Revolution should happen in every individuals first..Be revolutionary! Be brave!!