Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Memory Snapshots

Isn't it too much for words to capture the awesomeness of the electric pulses that criss-crosses our neurotic centre guided by the bio-chemicals that translate into beautiful paintings, amazing pieces of literature, mind blowing scientific discoveries/invention?
This electric pulse that travels from neuron to neuron which we call as thought is the origin and the ultimate of every human invention. Some of them which pulsed through me reflected wisdom and I wish to share them as snapshots of my mind.

#1: Human Joy

Man indeed takes joy out of simple things, but he thinks that he is too complex and refuses to enjoy simple moments of joy and searches for the same in complicated ways!

#2: Price Tag

It is a common thing to feel that there are people who live lives better than us or lives better lives. We tend to put up a higher price tag on others than we take credit for ourselves. The reality however is that we are the “other” person for somebody else! The true value of our lives is not in the assets we accumulate or the luxuries we can afford or the brands we shop. The merit of life lies in the dreams’ one pursues and the effort that goes into making it a reality.

#3: Boast=Boost

Smile is an emotional boost- yes indeed, a smile spreads the cheer so inexpensively and according to me if you have got the strength to smile, then you have got the strength to do anything whatsoever.

Smile is a boast-yes this is true too. There is no better way of showing off your wellness.

#4: Relationship=Respect

The sheer number and the variation of the relationship each of us holds can be comparable to the number of gods humanity believes in, I guess. But whatever the relationship is, I have come to understand that RESPECT is of paramount importance for its health to have a positive streak.

#5: Memorizing

Life’s best treasures are the memories we create by living it, which is why it is important that we live each moment as beautifully as possible.It is not to be forgotten that the memories we create are shared by the people around us. So it is up to us to get along with the beauty of people we are surrounded by and create beautiful memories with them- memorize moments and add value to the time spent.

#6: World=Classroom

Shakespeare says
 “All the world's a stage,
 And all the men and women merely players;

And I would say,
All the world’s a classroom
And all humans merely teachers and learners!

Learning is a continuous process and I remember reading it somewhere that life evaluates before teaching us lessons. But the beauty of the whole process is that “All that is important in life can only be learnt, not taught

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